South Yorkshire Times, April 14th 1939.
A wedding of unusual interest look place at Barnsley Road Methodist Church, Wombwell, on Monday, between Miss Ruth Ll. Beardshall, fourth daughter of Mrs. and Mr. S. L. Beardsall, of 1, Main Street, and Mr. Arnold Westerman only son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Westerman, of 72, Barnsley Road, Darfield.
Both bride and bridegroom are well known in the district, both being associated with Methodist churches. The bride has held many important offices at the Barnsley Road Church, having been Primary Department Superintendent for some years, while Mr. Westerman has been similarly engaged at George Street Methodist Church, Low Valley, and latterly at the Wesley Chapel. Darfield. He is also a lay preacher, singer, and elocutionist. The bride was a member of the staff at the Central Offices of the Barnsley Co-operative Society, and the bride