Newly added to the website

Sailor – Fearons Brothers – Sailor Brothers

August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th 1944 Sailor Brothers Jack and Warneford Fearons sons of Mr. and Mrs. G. Fearons, Barnsley Road, Darfield, both joined the Navy. Jack,...

Marconigrams – August 26th, 1944

August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th, 1944 Marconigrams Among the prize-winning animals exhibited at Conisbrough Show on Saturday was a pig weighing 68 stones. Mineworkers at eight collieries...

Editorial – Forcing the Pace

26 August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th 1944 Forcing the Pace Without much specific information being available about the new Allied attack in the South of France it...

Editorial – Allied Mastery

5 August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 5th 1944 Allied Mastery Despite the statement, cautiously qualified, that “victory may come soon” Mr. Churchill studiously preferred to record rather than...

Soldier – Ogden, Richard – Darfield Man’s Hand Injuries

July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 29th, 1944 Darfield Man’s Hand Injuries News reached Mrs. Richard Ogden of Snape Hill Road, last week that her husband Mr. Richard...

Soldier – Lackey, Eric – Stationed in Scotland.

July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 29th, 1944 Service Snaps Eric Lackey joined the Royal Engineers some two years ago, and is stationed in Scotland. A son of Mr....

Soldiers – Beilby, Harry Thomas – Darfielders Meet Overseas

July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 29th, 1944 Darfielders Meet Overseas Bombardier Harry Thomas Beilby (26), is the son of Mrs. Beilby and the late Mr. Beilby of...

Editorial – When Rogues Fall Out

29 July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 29th, 1944 When Rogues Fall Out Like a good defensive fighter the Nazis have covered up quickly after the staggering blow which...

Editorial – Careless Talk

22 July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 22nd, 1944 Careless Talk Careless talk, which has been the theme for many an official sermon, is not the monopoly of the...

Editorial – Germany at Bay

15 July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 15th, 1944 Germany at Bay Caen, the Norman town in the streets of which British airborne troops were fighting on the night...

Editorial – Shadow of Defeat

1 July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 1st 1944 Shadow of Defeat With the fall of Cherbourg things really begin to look bad for the Germans.  Having got our...

Editorial – Frozen War

6 January 1940
South Yorkshire Times, January 6th 1940 Frozen War Our war is still frozen, and shows little sign at present of thawing. Here do we see...

Editorial – Secret Weapons

24 June 1944
South Yorkshire Times, June 24, 1944 Secret Weapons Reprisals for allied bombing attacks on Germany have been long promised. This was one of the hopes used...

Airman – Lackey, Arthur – Ready To Shoot

June 1944
South Yorkshire Times, June 17th, 1944 Ready To Shoot Arthur Lackey (21), son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R Lackey, West Street, Darfield, joined the R.A.F....

Editorial – Planning for Work

3 June 1944
South Yorkshire Times, June 3rd, 1944 Planning for Work Though there is a negative quality about the Government’s White Paper on post-war employment, in that it...

The Hull Coal Trade – Returns for 1892

January 1893
Sheffield Daily Telegraph - Friday 06 January 1893 The Hull Coal Trade The Returns for 1892 The j returns for December and for the all of last...

Editorial – Price of Peace

27 May 1944
South Yorkshire Times, May 27th 1944 Price of Peace Mr. Churchill’s opening of the debate on Foreign Affairs in the House of Commons on Wednesday, contained...

Marconigrams – May 20th, 1944

May 1944
South Yorkshire Times, May 20th, 1944 Marconigrams Eighteen defendants from Wombwell, Blacker Hill, Darfield and Great Houghton were fined 7s 6d each at Barnsley on Monday...

Editorial – In Good Hands

20 May 1944
 South Yorkshire Times, May 20th, 1944 In Good Hands After a general lull in active land operations, fighting has again broken out in Italy.  This time...

Airman – Chalmers, John – D.F.M. Winner

May 1944
South Yorkshire Times, May 20th, 1944 D.F.M. Winner Here is a picture of Sergt. John Chalmers (23), of 40, Pitt Street, Low Valley, a Wireless Operator/Air...

Editorial – Labour at Loggerheads

13 May 1944
South Yorkshire Times, May 13th, 1944 Labour at Loggerheads The Labour Party could hardly have chosen a less appropriate time to stage a political squabble. Mr....

Editorial – Neutrality

6 May 1944
South Yorkshire Times, May 6th, 1944 Neutrality Neutrality is not an absolute state. It has infinite variety.  The war has gone on long enough to demonstrate...

Editorial – Finance and the Future

29 April 1944
South Yorkshire Times April 29th 1944 Finance and the Future Sir John Anderson's Budget withheld the last straw. Our national economy is now so finely adjusted...

Editorial – Waiting for the Zero Hour

1 April 1944
South Yorkshire Times April 01st 1944 Waiting for the Zero Hour Waiting for zero hour is always apt to be a trying experience. It tests the...

Soldier – Boyes, Ethel – Family Traditions

April 1944
South Yorkshire Times, April 29th, 1944 Family Traditions Miss Ethel Boyes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyes of East Street, Darfield, who has joined the...