Mexborough and Swinton Times November 11, 1939
Two Golden Weddings – Mr and Mrs Royston & Mr and Mrs Shreeve
Two old and esteemed Darfield couples, Mr. and Mrs. J Royston and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shreeve, celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversaries last week-end.
They were married at Darfield Parish Church on November 4th and 5th respectively which fell on Darfield Feast Monday and Tuesday half a century ago.
Mr and Mrs. James Royston live in the Coronation Cottages in Edderthorpe Lane, Darfleld. Mrs. Ellen Royston can hardly credit that she has been married fifty years. Her life, for so many years occupied by her family of two sons, two daughters and two adopted sons has simply slipped by for her. It is only during the last few years that she has been able to settle dawn to an easy life In the comfortable bungalow in which they live. Until a slight breakdown in her health last year. Mrs. Royston led a very active life. She is 69 and is thankful her health is improving. She and her husband have recently been presented with a green budgerigar which keeps them interested with its Saturday.
Mr. James Royston, who is 72, looks much younger. He is slightly built and very energetic. He worked at Houghton Main Colliery for nearly 56 years and for over 30 years was on the night shift. He says he got so used to sleeping during the day and working through the night that he could not sleep at night for a time after he retired.
ln recognition of his long sold faithful service at the colliery the management presented him with the key of the Coronation Bungalow in which they have now lived for over two years. He is a native of Darfield and was born at Snape Hill.
On Saturday Mr Mrs Royston received congratulatory messages from all around stop a mine they celebrated the occasion with a party at which a lovely iced cake was in evidence. Present at the party were three of Mrs. Royston’s sisters, who also reside at Darfield. They were Mrs. Stanfield (73), Mrs. Grants (71) and Mrs. Burnley (61). Her two brothers. Mr. George Smith (65) and Mr. John Smith (62), who reside out of the district, where unable to be present.
When Mr. Henry Sleeve and Miss Jane Lazenby wers married on Darfield Feast Tuesday, fifty years ago, the marriage, as was the rule in those days, took place in the morning. In the evening they went off in their wedding attire to the Feast, then held in a field where Queen Street now is. Whether their wedding attire was conspicuous or whether somebody gave the Feast proprietor the cue or not they do not know, but the Feast organ struck up the song “We’ve been to get married to-day.
Mrs. Shreeve, who is 71, was born in Mary Lane, Darfield and until her marriage was employed in domestic service. Mr. Shreeve, who is 73, was born In Derbyshire, but came to Darfield In boyhood. He started work down the mine at Darfield Main. Later he worked at Houghton Main until his retirement some years ago.
When younger he was prominently associated with Darfield Wesley Chapel, being secretary there for nearly 20 years. His family have all been members of the chapel. Both he and his wife enjoy fairly good health and are very comfortable and happy in their little bungalow in Illsley Road. Mr. and Mrs. Shreeve have three daughters, two sons, nine grandchildren and a great-grandchild. They did not have a party but members of the family have visited them during the week-end, and they received many cards and greetings, and two lovely bouquets of chrysanthemums.