Home People Weddings Wedding – Burrows & Gaskell

Wedding – Burrows & Gaskell

August 1932

South Yorkshire Times, Friday, August 26, 1932


At Wombwell Parish Church on Saturday Miss Evelyn Burrows, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burrows, 8. Melville Street, Wombwell, was married to Mr. Robert Gaskell, son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Richard Gaskell, Snape Hill Road. Darfield.

The bride was given away by her father and wore white georgette and silk lace and carried red and cream roses. The maids, Misses Doris Burrows and Mabel Copley, wore red figured ninon with blue crinoline hats and blue shoes and gold and sapphire ruby necklets, the gifts of the bridegroom; and carried carnations.

A maid of honour, Margaret Barrows, wore blue crepe de Chine and carried a basket of roses. Thomas Sixsmith, as page wore a white satin blouse and blue velvet trousers and white stockings. Mr. Thomas Gaskell was best man, and Mr. George Walton groomsman.

The Rev. J. St. Leger Blakeney officiated. A reception was held in the Wesleyan Reform School, after which the couple left for East coast.