Home People Weddings Wedding – Dales & Styring

Wedding – Dales & Styring

June 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 03 June 1932

Weddings Darfield.


Two well-known local dancers, Miss Doris Dales, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dales, School Street, Darfield, and Mr. Herbert Harold Styring, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Styring, Wickersley, were married at Darfield Parish Church on Monday.

As partners in dancing competitions they have won five silver cups and several other trophies. They won the Rotherham dancing championship on Easter Monday.

The bride was given away by her father, and wore a navy suit with white silk blouse, navy and white Tagel straw hat, and skin shoes. Her chief attendant, Miss Phyllis Turton, wore a suit of black silk marocain with white fur trimmings, while blouse, and large black picture hat with white trimming. A little maid, Betty Briggs, wore white satin and Panama hat. Both maids had necklets of coloured stones, gifts of the bridegroom.

Messrs. B. Styring and S. Dales were best man and groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Styring are to reside at Wickersley.