South Yorkshire Times October 9 1957
Young Darfield Student Nurse
Wins Singing Prize
The last of twelve entrants to sing in the Girls’ Solo Class at the Barnsley Sunday School Festival on Saturday, Kathleen Edley, of Darfield, was awarded first place with 93 marks. The adjudicator remarked to Kathleen, “You have a lovely soprano voice” and in her written remarks said, “Lovely tempo—voice of good quality.”
Kathleen, who is 15, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Edley, of Doncaster Road, Darfield. She has been having singing lessons for one year and has already won several medals. Her test piece on Saturday was “Peace” (Schubert).
Much as she enjoys singing, It is not Kathleen’s only interest She is studying for nursing at the Mexborough Technical College, having ‘ gone there from Foulstone County Secondary School. She has always wanted to take up nursing and for, three years now, since she was twelve, has gone on Saturdays ‘ to Beckett Hospital, Barnsley, to do voluntary work.
With her friend she has also sung on one or two occasions for patients. In addition she finds time to take a Sunday School class at Barnsley Road Wesley Chapel.