South Yorkshire Times, January 15, 1944
Wireless Operator Air-Gunner William Irving Stables, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Stables, of Barnsley Road, Darfield, who was home on leave last week-end has been commissioned in the R.A.F., and is now a Pilot Officer. He is 35 and during the last few months has been on several operational flights over Germany and other countries.
He joined the R.A.F. about three years ago, and became Sergt. Air Gunner and later Flight Sergt. Air Gunner. He is a keen motorist, and has always been interested in mechanics.
Before joining the R.A.F. he was a supervisor for Messrs. Brook, Hardcastle, Ltd., and out of 5,000 was selected as the guest of a radio company to take a trip to Lisbon a few years ago.