South Yorkshire Times, January 1947
American Visitors
American visitors
This picture was taken just before the trio of visitors left America for a visit to Darfield.
Pictured are Mr James McNulty (right), who was born at Darfield and lived up Snape Hill until 16 years ago when he went to the States, and has assisted his cousin, who owns a coal and coke business; Mr Martin M Ruane and Mrs Mary Buttermore, two cousins, from Brookvale, USA.
Mr Ellen Duncan, a daughter of Mr and Mrs John McNulty, of snake Hill, has also accompanied them.
It is her first visit since you left off you 20 years ago. Mrs Duncan has brought her beautiful silver and blue Studebaker car, which has attracted interest and admiration from motorists in the Darfield district. They are hoping to visit France and Ireland before they return to America.