Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 14 November 1928
Ancient Charters.
My mention of Mr. T. Walter Hall yesterday reminds me that I have received from him a valuable little book containing translations with notes of some Yorkshire Charters from the Lindsay Collection.
Many important deeds and land charters, he tells us in the preface, were sold at auction by Messrs. Sotheby in February, 1927, and be was able to secure over a hundred Yorkshire deeds, dating as far back 1260, the year of the reign of Henry 111, Such of these deeds as relate to the south-west corner of Yorkshire Mr Hall has presented to the Sheffield City Council for use in the reference library and others will he placed in the library of the Yorkshire Archaeological Society at Leeds.
Links With the Past.
The translations and notes are extremely well done, and perusal all the quaint spelling and phraseology are fascinating in the extreme.
One document, dated 1314, concerns a piece land at Darfield, near Barnsley, and a brief extract reads;
In the vigil of saint Michael…. Grant by William Scot knight to sir Philip Bouysseuill, William his brother and Elisotte his sister, one plot of land and meadow lying next Stokwelleynge near, his ■reconstructed boundary ditch, in exchange for one selion of land upon which his said ditch stood and was founded, etc., etc.
For those who ‘are interested in things which pertain our common ancestry this, little volume will of no small value.