Home Places Streets and Communities Billingley’s Wooers – Caustic Comments On Neighbours

Billingley’s Wooers – Caustic Comments On Neighbours

May 1932

Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 20th 1932

Billingley’s Wooers

Caustic Comments On Neighbours

Single Blessedness Preferred

At a meeting of the Billingley Parish Council on Friday the members had under consideration the question of the review of county districts.  Mr. G. Casson, who presided, said Billingley was being courted by three admirers, who could be described as “moderately good, bad and indifferent.”

“As is probably known,” said Mr. Casson, “these three admirers are Darfield, Wombwell and Thurnscoe.”  At that meeting they had to decide whether they wished to remain in the Barnsley rural district or become attached to some other local authority.

What had Darfield to offer?  Nothing except a cemetery Billingley did not want.  Darfield could, of course, offer many things if Billingley paid for them.

At the mention of Wombwell the Chairman had great difficulty in maintaining order.  Cries such as “We are not paying for their gas,” “We are not paying for their trams,” were frequently heard.

Mr. Casson said he was pleased the ratepayers of Billingley had taken notice of these points.  The rate levied on Wombwell for the year ended 31st March 1932, on account of the light railway was 2/11 ½, and for the gas nearly 9d.  They bought their gas for next to nothing and sold it at about 5s. per 1000 cubic feet.

With respect to the light railway Thurnscoe was afflicted like Wombwell.  Generally speaking, Thurnscoe had nothing to offer.  If the people of Billingley wished to be “patriotic”, and travel by tram to Barnsley they would have to walk about two miles to the nearest car and the journey would take about an hour, whereas if they travelled by ‘bus they could complete the journey in thirty-five minutes.

Unfortunately, the meeting would not have the final word, but their decision would be conveyed to the Rural District council, and it would form part of the case to be stated by the Council at the conference to be held in the near future.  He concluded by saying that the whole of the parishes in the district were in favour of staying within the rural district.

A resolution was moved by Mr J. Ashwood, seconded by Mr, T, Taylor to the effect that the parish remains within the rural district, and that it be an instruction to the Rural District council to take every step possible to retain the autonomy of the rural district. The resolution was carried unanimously with the following rider: “That in the event of the County Council not agreeing to allow the rural district to remain as it is, preference be given to the application of Darfield and that the applications of Thurnscoe and Wombwell be fought in every possible way.”