Home Crime Theft Burglary at Darfield.

Burglary at Darfield.

York Herald – Saturday 14 December 1844

Burglary at Darfield.

THOSMAS SPOTTISWOOD (32) and JOHN SPOTTISWOOD (34), were charged with having, on the 26th Feb., at Darfield, burglariously entered the dwelling-house of Abraham Crossley, and stolen therefrom twenty pounds weight of sugar, twenty pounds weight of tobacco, a number of brushes, and other articles; and HANNAH SPOTTISWOOD (89), was charged with having received the various articles, well knowing them to have been stolen.

The Jury acquitted the female prisoner, and found the others Guilty.

A previous conviction for felony was then proved against the prisoner Thomas.

Thomas Spottiswood was then sentenced to be transported for twenty years ;. and the prisoner John to ten years.