Leeds Mercury – Saturday 04 June 1938
Child Drowned Darfield Tragedy
Joanne A Darfield child, Brian Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morris, School Street, was drowned in the Dearne last night. When Brian’s playmate came back from the river alone, the boy’s mother called Police-Sergeant Grantham.
A party, including the mother, went down to the river and found shoes and socks in a hole near the bank. A miner, Roland Woodcock (27), swam about the swollen river trying to locate the body, and a little later another boy. Ernest Sixsmlth (15), found the body fast in bushes near the riverside, about 200 yards away. The
“Wanted To Swim”
Brian’s playmate was six years’ old Peter Hoyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoyle, Keeper’s Cottage, Hooton Roberts, near Rotherham. He had come to Darfield to stay with his grandfather, Fred Turton, for a wedding.
Peter said, “We went down to the river to play. Brian said he wanted to swim like the big boys. He took off his shoes and stockings and jumped straight into the river where the water is deep. I did not expect him to do that. I stretched out over the water but could not reach him. Then I went and told his mother.”