Mexborough and Swinton Times April 12, 1929
Darfield Council.
Road Grants and Street Lighting.
A meeting of the Barfield Urban Council was held on Friday, Alderman T. Foulstone presiding.
Condemned House.
The Clerk (Mr. W. Robinson) reported receipt of a letter from the rector of Darfield with reference to a house condemned by the Council as unfit for habitation. It was pointed out that the house was still occupied.
The Chairman: What is our position?
The Clerk: I wrote explaining that the Council were under no obligation to recover possession of the house, although they had power to do so. I emphasised that should the Council take proceedings to secure an ejectment order any expenses incurred in the process could be recovered from the owner. That is how the matter stands at present.
No action was taken.
Road Grants.
It was mentioned that the West Riding County Council had agreed to grant £685 toward the repair and maintenance of Cat Hill Road, and a further sum of £40 toward the cost of minor repairs in School Street, George Street and other thoroughfares.
The Chairman: I am sure we are all very gratified to hear that.
The Clerk: These grants are all subject to the County Council being satisfied that the roads are maintained in a decent state of repair.
Lighting Bargain.
The Clerk reported that the Electrical Distribution of Yorkshire, Ltd., had agreed to supply current for street lighting to Darfield at the reduced rate of £4 per lamp per annum, provided the Council entered into an agreement for a further period of ten years.
This matter had been considered by the street lighting committee and their recommendation that the Council agree on condition that the charge be reduced to £3 10s. per lamp was approved.
The Road Fund.
The Automobile Association submitted a letter drawing attention to the enormous increase in the volume of motor traffic and the consequent expenditure necessitated in maintaining roads. The letter went on to assert that the present system of grants was wholly inequitable, and imposed a heavy burden on local authorities, who were urged to support a resolution calling upon the Government to legislate so as to ensure that all the revenue derived from the Road Fund be used exclusively for the construction and maintenance of roads.
The Council decided unanimously to support the resolution.