Barnsley Independent – Saturday 27 December 1919
Darfield Urban Council.
Women’s View on Housing.
The monthly meeting of Darfield ‘Urban District Council was held on Tuesday evening. Mr. 0. Dickinson (vice-chairman) presiding.
On the question of housing the Ministry of health stated that they have received the report of a subcommittee who have been considering to what extent the services of women could be utilised by local authorities in their housing schemes.
The subcommittee stated that in their view women should have an opportunity of expressing their opinion in regard to the lay-out of the houses, the provision of gardens and open spaces being of especial Importance to women. They should also have an opportunity of seeing the proposed house plans, for suggestions as to internal fittings, lighting and heating.
Dr. Addison was in general agreement with this, and hoped that local authorities would take such meantime as was practicable to obtain the views of women on these points.
The subcommittee recommended
(1) That the house and lay-out plans be publicly exhibited before being approved by the Minister.
(2) That local authorities should be advised that it was desirable to co-opt women members on their homing committees.
(3) That women’s advisory committees should he formed in each urban district. The Ministry added that nothing should be done which would involve any delay in the housing scheme.
The Chairman: What do you think about it gentlemen! Personally I think it is high time that a great many of these circulars sent down from time to time were withheld altogether. I don’t express an opinion detrimental to women serving on any committee, because probably their advice might recommend itself. So the members of the author1ty but to have circular after circular upon the housing question sent down to the various Councils, and especially to the Urban District Council of Darfield, which has been on with the housing question now for probably 10 years, compelled me to come to the conclusion long ago that houses cannot be built on paper. What we want is the money and the materials with which to build them and less circulars.
Mr. Taylor said he quite agreed that the plans should be publicly exhibited, and one fully expected that that would be adopted. The thought it would be easy for them to obtain expressions of opinion from the ladies in the township on the plans when they were exhibited. The Column might then consider the matter further and if they thought it desirable to co-opt ladies on the committee they could do so.
The Clerk (Mr. W. Robinson): Yes, it is quite competent for you to co-opt ladies outside the ranks of the Council, and of course there are no ladies on this authority.
The Chairman: Does any member recommend that any lady be co-opted on the housing’ committer? It may have escaped your attention Mr. Taylor that we have already had the layout plan here, and it has been practically approved by the authorities. We are getting the cart before the horse. Various departments are at work sad that is the IMMO all over the orantry.
Mr. Taylor replied that he did not think the ladles would be interested in the lay-out plan, but they would be interested to the house plans.
The Chairman: Does any gentleman wish to move that any lady be put on? If so. I am personally agreeable. It is these constant delays that I am complaining about.
Mr. Taylor thought it was hardly desirable at the state. They might op-opt ladies after farther progress had been made with the matter.
The Chairman: All right.
The Ministry of Health drew attention to the fact that the fees for notification of infectious disease, reduced from 2a 6d. to 1s. during the war, would be raised to the former price of 2s 6d. when the Order In Council fixing the date of the termination of the war had been issued, full publicity of which would be given through the ordinary channels.