Barnsley Chronicle Saturday 07 April 1883
Fatal Accident to A Child At Darfield.
On Monday child named Ada Ellen Ward, aged two years and ten months, met with her death in fearful manner. Some waggons were being shunted at Darfield Main when the child was caught by the engine and cut in two. Dr. Millar was soon on the spot, but to no purpose.
The inquest was opened on Wednesday at the Prince of Wales Hotel, Wombwell, before Mr. D. Wightman, coroner.
Emily Ward, wife of Henry Ward, stoker, Darfield Main, said she was the mother of the child. She last saw it alive on Monday, the 2nd inst., between 3 and 4 p.m., about ten minutes before was hurt. She saw the child in the house, and it went out alone. The next thing she heard was her little boy screaming, and she went and saw the little girl lying on the line, with her legs cut off. She was lying on the crossing on the cart road. Did not see an engine, but saw several waggons. Could not see how it was done. The child was lying about 5 6 yards from the footbridge which goes over the line. The child bad been in the habit of going there. Did not attach blame to anyone. Her little boy, aged 7 years, was there as well.
Jonathan Bashforth, waggon repairer at Darfield Main, did not previously know the child, and was twenty yards away from the scene of the accident. Did not see the child before the accident, but saw her after it was done. There was engine yards away, and there were several trucks.
By the Foreman (Mr. G. Marsh): I think if gates had been there they would have been a protection.
Mr. G. Beecher, who represented the Darfleld Company, did not see the force of Mr. Marsh’s remarks.
Mr. Marsh said when he was boy there were gates there, and the posts were standing yet, and he thought they would certainly protection.
The Coroner did not consider child three years of age a responsible person, and it would be no protection against such.
Mr. Marsh; But child three years of age could not open them.
The Coroner : It would not want; nothing would please it better than to climb over. However, as the Government inspector (Mr. Wardell) has not been acquainted accident, I shall adjourn it until the 25 at the same hour.