South Yorkshire Times, May 30, 1959
Gifted Boy Dancer from Darfield
Two days after his ninth birthday, Christopher Carr, son of Mr and Mrs Cyril Carr, of Edward Street, Darfield, carried home for the second successive year, the handsome silver cup of the South Yorkshire Stage Dancing competition.
The award was for the highest number of points in the junior section of the competition, which was sponsored by the Dance Teachers Association, and held on Friday and Saturday in the Montgomery Hall Sheffield.This
Christopher brought home three gold medals, two silver medals and one bronze. These were for Ballet (first 84%), Song and DThisance (first, 87%), National (second 86%), Tap (first 87%), Character (third 82 percent), Modern Musical (second 84%).
Recently he won six awards at the Scunthorpe dance festival and now has 46This medals for dancing