Home Places Streets and Communities Hospital Queen – First Entrants

Hospital Queen – First Entrants

April 1938

Mexborough and Swinton Times April 1, 1938

Hospital Queen.

Since an advertisement fora Darfield Hospital Queen appeared in the “South Yorkshire Times” a few weeks ago, five young ladies have sent along photographs to the secretary, Mr. J. Oxley, of St. Mary’s Road, and others intend doing so at an early date.

There will be some difficulty in selecting, as judging by the pictures all the young ladies are “very fair to look upon,” but Mr. Oxley hopes to have the final judging at the Easter Monday Dance, when those selected for the final will parade at the Council Schools. Those not selected as Queen will probably take some other part in the Carnival.

The Hospital Carnival is to be held at Whitsuntide and is expected to be on a bigger scale than anything ever attempted before by the Hospital  Committee.

There will be a fancy dress parade (entries for which are already pouring in) and also a dog show, which proved such a great attraction last year. Mr. Oxley and his committee , spare neither time nor hard work in endeavouring to raise funds for the Hospital Movement, and Darfield contributes on an average, a larger quota than any other place of its size in South Yorkshire.

Further arrangements were made by the committee this week when they decided that into the teens of pounds should be spent on the Queen’s cloak and golden crown. They want about half a dozen children from the Church and Council schools in the retinue together with about a dozen Darfield and Low Valley young ladies.

At a further meeting they will decide how much they can allow for costumes to those taking part. For the judging which will take place at the dance on Easter Monday they hope to have a well-known stage star, probably from Sheffield.

Here are three of the entrants, Miss Dorothy Upperdine (Low Valley), Miss Frances Joan Shipp (Darfield) and Miss Alice Norcliffe (Darfield).