Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – August 08th, 1902

Marconigrams – August 08th, 1902

August 1902

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 08 August 1902


The late Mr J.G. Logan, of Swinton Hall, was a convert to Unitarianism.

Mr Frank Froggatt, a native of Mexborough, was married at Tadcaster on Thursday.

Robert Gleaden, a well-known Mexborough glass blower, died at St Helen’s last week.

People who live on the Montagu estate believe they will find the right landlord in certain lieutenant.

In the House of Commons on Monday, the Mexborough and Swinton tramways Bill was read the third time.

Volunteers from Wath, warmup and feel left for Salisbury Plain on Sunday, for the annual training.

Thank All day was more generally observed by shopkeepers in Mexborough than was the case a few years ago.

The Reverend George Hadfield on Sunday completed 28 year’s service as pastor of the Wombwell Congregational Church.

The Mexborough Hospital Committee had not approached Mr Carney for a subscription for the New Hospital.

The Mexborough Lending Library is closed for stocktaking and all books should have been in by Saturday last.

The quick change programme performance in connection with the Mexborough Coronation celebrations has been highly diverting.

Whilst playing polo at York, on Saturday, Mr Harry Whitworth, of Wath, at the misfortune to break his collarbone.

At the Barnsley band contest on Saturday, the Kilnhurst band obtained second prize and a medal for best euphonium player.

The weekly wages bill of the Denaby and Cadeby Colliery Company, when the pits are in full work, amounts to about £5,000.

One of the judges of hunters and jumpers at the Sheffield and Ecclesfield Show was Mr C Howard Taylor, of Middlewood Hall, Darfield.

Mr Joe Crossland of Conisborough, added another to his several successes by winning the open pony races at Whiston Sports on Monday.

The Denaby Main brass band won third prize at a contest at Barnsley on Saturday; also a medal for the best cornet and trombone player.

A recent letter in which the writer protested against a Sunday delivery at at Mexborough was dated by him July 20. This was the seventh day

This is the sixth-week of the strike at the Denaby and Cadeby colliery. The men decided to “stop the wheels” at a meeting held on Sunday, June 29th.

The feeling of the tradespeople of Mexborough was incorrectly estimated it was thought they would like to keep their shops close on Coronation Day.

Over 250 anglers took part in a fishing match at Swinton on Monday. F Parker, of Swinton, was ¼ prize winner. His stake number was 253.

The charges of intimidation against 11 Denaby and Cadeby miners now on strike utterly failed on Saturday at the Doncaster West Riding Police Court.

The Conisborough Cricket ground is not altogether out of the world, but those who have been there say that to get to it again you must go through another climb.

The Darfield Council suggest that when his colleagues are looking for a nuisance they should not smoke cigars. He may be that he thinks some cigars are a nuisance.

Mr F King, of Mexborough, has generously given a silver cup, to be known as “The Kings Challenge Cup,” could be offered for completion by the Mexborough and District Chrysanthemum Society.

An ordinary meeting of the Conisborough Parish Council to be held on Monday evening, the members observed Then Only, and the meeting will take place next week.

The annual conference of the Wesleyan Reform Union of England, which is represented by a successful and vigourous church, is being held at High Wycombe, Bucks, this week

it has been the inhabitants of the frequenters of the Mexborough Reading Room to fall asleep while looking over the papers. The appearance of “Marconigrams” should be a cure for this.

The highest individual score in the Mexborough League this season was made by Willis Robinson, of the Mitchell Main club, against Rawmarsh, on Monday, the total runs scored by him being 129.

The highly dirty condition of High-street Mexborough, in wet weather, was the subject of much adverse comment on Saturday night amongst visitors who who were compelled to wade through the mud.

Mr H. Of Mexborough, won the Kilner Challenge Cup at the Denaby and District rifle range for the first time on Monday; the cup was presented for annual competition by Mrs Kilner, daughter of Mr Caleb Kilner.

“My word,” said a traveller on Wednesday as he shook the wet off his Macintosh, “there’s been rain incessant ever since morning.” “Well, they are no worse off than us,” replied the native; “it’s been raining Mexborough ever since last night!

A petition signed by 2564 persons, has been forwarded to Mr F.W. Fison, M.P., who will present it to the Home Secretary. The petition asks for remission of the five-year sentence passed on W.G. Law, of Mexborough, at Leeds Assizes in last March.