Home Places Streets and Communities Marconigrams – December 26th, 1942

Marconigrams – December 26th, 1942

December 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 26 December 1942


Business at Rotherham West Riding Courts on Monday will be as usual.

Road transport staffs are among the hardest workers at times like these.

Many a housewife, making arrangements for what used to be called the ” festive ” season, reads in recipes of quantities of apples—but where are the apples?

Twigs taken from hedgerows, some varnished and others painted in silver or gold with berries and flowers made of coloured wax, are being used for decorations in Rotherham and district.

A happy Christmas to all our readers with best wishes for a prosperous and victorious New Year.

Major Lloyd George, the Minister of Fuel, told the new National Coal Board at the first meeting in London on Friday that it should be possible to get through the winter but the coal problem of next year is more serious.”

Desmond S. Johnson. a pupil of Mexborough Secondary School in Form 6a Science, has gained an Open Science Exhibition at St. John’s College. Cambridge. Desmond lives at Rawmarsh, where his father, Mr. Sydney Johnson, is a schoolmaster.

The grateful thanks of the Duke of Gloucester have been conveyed to the members of the Manvers Main St. John Ambulance Brigade (Goldthorpe Nursing Division) for the sum of £17 10s. 6d. sent by them to the Red Cross and St. John Prisoners of War Fund as the result of a flag day held on December 15th.