Mexborough and Swinton Times April 12, 1929
New Dirt Track.
Darfield Motor-Cycle Club’s Enterprise.
This week-end the Darfield and District Motor Cycling Club are opening their new dirt track at Wombwell. The track is situated off Ings Road, ‘New Scarborough. The site is well drained, perfectly flat, and in every way suitable.
Near by flows the Dove, from which water can be drawnn. The track is being constructed on up-to-date lines and has a circumference of over 400 yards. The speedway is over 60 feet wide, walled on the outside with turf taken from the track and covered with cinders. The owner of the track is M.r,. Walter Hinchcliffe, of Low Valley, and it is very largely through his assistance that the venture has been made possible.
Construction has been proceeding for several months, and practically the whole of the-labour has been’ voluntary. Already several riders have tested the cinders. During the week the track has been listed by Mr. Monkhouse and Mr. Longton, officials of the A.C.U., and the track has been approved for racing under A.C.U. rules. These gentlemen also officially measured the track and marked the distances over which races are to be run. Both congratulated the club on their enterprise and on the excellent track.
It is believed that only one other club in England has a dirt track of its own, and that is at Belle Vue, Manchester. The other tracks are commercially owned. The site of the Darfield track offers scope for unlimited development, and there is ample room for parking. The secretary of the club is Mr. J. H. Oxley, of Darfield, and the president Mr. W. Helliwell.
The programme for Sunday includes five events, and Geo. Wigfield, the famous dirt-track rider, is billed to give a demonstration. The programme opens at 2–30 p.m.