Mexborough and Swinton Times August 16, 1937
A Darfield reader has sent us this photograph taken in front of the Old National Infant School in School Street about 45 years ago. The school as such has been closed about 12 years, and the building is now used as a Parish Hall.
The group consisted of members of the staff. At the time for your was taken late Mr George Hoyle was headmaster. He was afterwards transferred to the Mixed School further along the street.
Several people well-known in the district are in the group.
On the back row from left to right are:
Mrs Elliott, of swathe Hall, a well-known artist; the late Miss E Tomlinson, who left the district teach in London; Miss M A Clarke (better known at Darfield has Mrs J Hearnshaw, of Highfield Range, where she still resides); Miss Blanche Tomlinson, who is living in retirement down South and paid a long visit to Darfield a few weeks ago; and Miss Hampshire, now Mrs Pearce of Low Valley.
On the lower row from left to right are the late Miss J Rushworth; Mrs Carter, was headmistress of the Infants the Department used to reside at the rectory cottage; the late Mr George Hoyle; Miss Shaw (married, and thought to be still living near Penistone). Miss E Hunt, now Mrs H Beard, is the other member of the group.