Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Thursday 14 April 1898
Stephen Seal. J.P., Darfield.
The death of Mr. Stephen Seal. J.P., of Coxbench House, Darfield took place his home on Tuesday, after a very brief illness. He was at the Court House, Barnsley, attending to his magisterial duties as usual week ago, and was at that time apparently in his usual health.
Deceased, who was the son of a large quarryowner at Heath, near Wakefield, had spent the greater part his life Darfield, where he had carried on the business of quarry owner, manufacturer of grindstones, etc. His only son died some two or three years ago and he felt the blow very keenly.
He had served in most public offices at Darfield, as overseer, guardian of the poor, and other local offices, but he was best known an enthusiastic Liberal politician, his poetical quotations being as popular as they were numerous in his speeches.
At the Police Court, Barnsley, yesterday, there was a large gathering magistrates, and Mr. T. Norton, J.P., who presided, said that since they came to court the Bench had all been greatly shocked to receive the announcement of the death their colleague, Mr. Stephen Seal. They understood he had been seized with a sudden illness, which unfortunately had proved fatal. They greatly deplored his loss. Mr. Seal had been amongst them four years, and since his qualification had been very attentive and diligent in his duties. It was a matter of great regret them that he should have been removal in this sudden manner. They trusted Mr. Carrington would give an expression of their sympathy John Mrs. Seal and family.