Home Places Streets and Communities Tailpiece – December 01, 1951 – Suez Canal

Tailpiece – December 01, 1951 – Suez Canal

December 1951

South Yorkshire Times, December 1, 1951

Tailpiece – Suez Canal

The taproom topic was the Suez Canal. “Hey up,” said Dave, as he peered over his glass, his glasses, and his evening paper, ‘can tha tell me what we’re muckin’ abaht in t’ Suez Canal for? It doesn’t belong to us, does it?”

“No,” said Pete, “it belongs to Spain, ah reckon.”

“Tha’t wrong,” said Dave promptly and decisively, “ah’ll bet thee a pint on that onyway. It belongs ter France.”

“Spain,” ah say, said Pete. “Here’s t’ landlord. He knows. We’ll sooin settle this. Nah. Jeff, who owns Suez Canal?”

“Why,” said the landlord, “ah couldn’t be sure who owns it nah, but ah know Jack Jarvis trains it.”