The Village Methodists – Billingley Breaks Ground

November 1932

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 11 November 1932

The Village Methodists

Billingley Breaks Ground

The First Jumble Sale

The Pioneers

Arrival Of The Jumble

The village of Billingley has beenmaking history. Last week-end a jumble sale was held at the little Methodist chapel there for the first time in the villages hundred years of Methodism. The amount raised was less than £5 but it carried the members a step toward the attainment of a long-cherished ambition, the building of a Sunday School.

For over a hundred years the Methodists of Billingley have been self-contained and self-supporting, but new conditions demand a new policy. Hitherto the religions workers of the village have lived largely unto themselves; now they have to cater for the spiritual needs of a new community settled in the adjoining village of Middlecliffe, which has no church of its own. The small box-like structure in Chapel Lane is not nearly largo enough and the Sunday School teachers have more children than they know what to do with. Hence the establishment of a building fund. The workers are Planning to raise half of which they hope will be provided ‘by a benefactor.

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