Home People Weddings Wedding – Marley & Turton

Wedding – Marley & Turton

April 1942

Mexborough and Swinton Times, April 11th 1942

Mr. D. Turton (Barnsley) and Miss B. Marley (Darfield).

Darfields first Hospital Queen, Miss Betty Marley, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Marley, Vicar Road, Darfield, was married at the Parish Church on Saturday to Mr. Derek Turton, R.A F., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Turton, Walton Street, Barnsley. Given away by her cousin Mr. George Greenwood, the bride wore a gown of ivory satin beaute, a necklet of pearls, lent by the bridegroom’s mother, and long veil attached to a cluster of white camelias. She carried crimson carnations.

The Rev. H. Drown officiated, and Mr. G. Strickland was organist.

The bridesmaids were Misses O. Epps and M. Wrye in blue taffeta with blue net shoulder veils and haloes of pink flowers: and Mrs. L, Webster and Miss Eleanor Nuttall, in green dresses with green shoulder veils and matching floral head-dresses; Misses Hazel Toone and Elsie Wainwright in pale pink dresses and pink veils. All carried daffodils.

Among the gifts was a cakestand from the domestic staff of the Barnsley Beckett Hospital, where the bride was formerly employed.