Mexborough & Swinton Times, September 23, 1932
Wedding – Powell & Andrews.
The wedding took place on Saturday at Darfield Parish Church of Miss Marjorie Andrews second daughter of Mrs. and the late , Mr. T. Andrews, Victoria Terrace, Great Houghton, and Mr. Ernest Powell, second son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Powell, Rotherham Road, Great Houghton, Canon A. E. Sorby officiating.
The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Aubrey Andrews, and wore white satin with coatee and carried lilies.
The maids were Misses Evelyn. Edna Hazel end Joyce Andrews and Eileen Walker (Slaithwaite). The elders wore white floral georgette, flame velvet coatees and head-dresses of autumn leaves, and carried bronze chrysanthemums, and had amber earrings, the gift of the bridegroom. The younger maids wore flame velvet medieval dresses with muffs, and head-dresses of gilt leaves. The tiniest attendant wore lemon shadow lace over lemon satin, trimmed with ribbon sash and forget-me-nots, with silver leaves for head-dress, and carried a posy of forget-me-nots.
The best man was Mr. James Powell and the groomsmen Messrs. Alvin and Kenneth Andrews.
A reception at which over 200 guests were received was held in the Welfare Hall, and a dance followed. The honeymoon is being spent at Blackpool.