Mexborough & Swinton Times, September 23, 1932
Wedding – Randerson & Bucke.
Two sisters, Misses Dorothy and Hilda Bucke, only daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Bucke, Snape Hill Road, Darfield, were married at Darfield Parish Church, on Saturday, and the double wedding aroused much interest.
The younger bride, Miss Hilda Backe, was married to Mr. Clifford Sanderson, son of Mr. R. and Mrs. Randerson, Garden Street, Darfield. Bride and bridegroom are prominent members of the Darfield Tennis Club.
The bridegroom’s father is a member of the Darfield Urban Council. The bride wore lemon taffetta silk trimmed with forget-me-not blue ribbon and lemon straw hat, and carried lemon roses.
Miss Marion Sanderson was her maid and wore powder blue satin and black picture hat, and carried bronze chrysanthemums.
Mr. Donald Sanderson was best man. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bucke entertained their guests at the Ark Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson left for Bournemouth, and Mr. and Mrs. Randerson for Blackpool.
Among numerous presents, was an eiderdown from the staff of Snape Hill School for Miss Dorothy Bucke.