Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 20th, 1932
Wesleyan Musicians
Wedding: Rogers & Park
Two popular members of the Darfield Wesleyan choir were married in the Wesleyan Church last Thursday, the Rev. S. Hankin-Hardy officiating: Miss Edith Rogers, Garden Street, Darfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Park, City Road, Sheffield, formerly well-known residents of Darfield.
Both bride and bridegroom are prominent in musical circles. Mr. Park is a bass and has won several prizes at festivals. His bride is a teacher of pianoforte and was Sunday School pianist for nearly eight years.
The service was choral and the hymns “The Voice that breathed o’er Eden,” and “O Perfect Love,” were sung by the choir and a large congregation.
The bride was given away by her father and wore ivory satin beaute, with silk lace trimmings forming a bolero effect on the boddice, and godets on the skirt. She had an embroidered net veil surmounted with wreath of orange blossom and silver shoes, and carried lilies of the valley pink carnations and white heather.
The maids were Misses Muriel Bailey and Muriel Park, wearing mimosa floral georgette; and Phyllis Park and Editha Bailey, in emerald georgette with silk lace trimmings and emerald green shoes. All wore caps of dull gold lace with hands of gold leaves, and carried yellow tulips.
The groom’s attendants were Messrs. A. Perry and E. Rogers. Mr. S. White played the “Wedding March.”
Mr. and Mrs. Park are spending the honeymoon on the Isle of Man.
Among numerous presents were an eiderdown from the Wesleyan choir, a leather slipper box from the Wesleyan concert party, and a cloak from Miss Pattie Washington, the bridegroom’s music mistress.