Home 1944 August 1944

August 1944

Marconigrams – August 26th, 1944

August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th, 1944 Marconigrams Among the prize-winning animals exhibited at Conisbrough Show on Saturday was a pig weighing 68 stones. Mineworkers at eight collieries...

Sailor – Fearons Brothers – Sailor Brothers

August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th 1944 Sailor Brothers Jack and Warneford Fearons sons of Mr. and Mrs. G. Fearons, Barnsley Road, Darfield, both joined the Navy. Jack,...

Editorial – Allied Mastery

5 August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 5th 1944 Allied Mastery Despite the statement, cautiously qualified, that “victory may come soon” Mr. Churchill studiously preferred to record rather than...

Editorial – Forcing the Pace

26 August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th 1944 Forcing the Pace Without much specific information being available about the new Allied attack in the South of France it...

Editorial – France Rises Again

26 August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th 1944 France Rises Again This is France’s great week. Everywhere the grip of the German tyrants is being loosened.  On all...