1944 Quarter 2
Editorial – In Good Hands
South Yorkshire Times, May 20th, 1944
In Good Hands
After a general lull in active land operations, fighting has again broken out in Italy. This time...
Editorial – Price of Peace
South Yorkshire Times, May 27th 1944
Price of Peace
Mr. Churchill’s opening of the debate on Foreign Affairs in the House of Commons on Wednesday, contained...
0bituary – Doctor Baxter
South Yorkshire Times June 3, 1944
0bituary - Doctor Baxter
Mr. Doctor Baxter (74), a well-known resident and esteemed chorister in the Parish Church choir for...
Airman – Lackey, Arthur – Ready To Shoot
South Yorkshire Times, June 17th, 1944
Ready To Shoot
Arthur Lackey (21), son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R Lackey, West Street, Darfield, joined the R.A.F....
Editorial – Planning for Work
South Yorkshire Times, June 3rd, 1944
Planning for Work
Though there is a negative quality about the Government’s White Paper on post-war employment, in that it...
Editorial – Getting to Grips
South Yorkshire Times June 17, 1944
Getting to Grips
These last ten days have been the most heartening since Britain took up arms against the all-pervading...
Editorial – Well Begun
South Yorkshire Times June 10, 1944
Well Begun
At long last conjecture has given place to reality. The contact between Germany and the Allies broken off...
Editorial – Secret Weapons
South Yorkshire Times, June 24, 1944
Secret Weapons
Reprisals for allied bombing attacks on Germany have been long promised. This was one of the hopes used...