1959 Annual
Wedding – Walker & Limb
South Yorkshire Times, 3rd, January.
Miss Norma Walker (Great Houghton)
and Mr. Peter Limb (Thurnscoe), after their wedding
at Darfield Parish Church on Christmas Eve.
Golden Memories – Bet That Made Couple’s Reunion Possible
South Yorkshire Times January 10, 1959
Golden Memories
Bet That Made Wath Couple's Reunion Possible
A racing wager in the November Handicap of 1909 had a direct...
Darfield Young Wives
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 21 February 1959
Darfield Young Wives
An inaugural meeting for the formation of a Church Young Wives' Union, was...
Fossilised Tooth Find at Houghton Main
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 28 February 1959
Fossilised Tooth Find at Houghton Main
An official of the Houghton Main colliery showed us a...
Darfield Mother Fined – Must Send Girl to School
Mexborough & Swinton Times - Saturday 14 February 1959
Must Send Girl to School
Darfield Mother Fined
After pleading “Guilty” at Barnsley West Riding Magistrates Court...
Road Safety Queen
South Yorkshire Times March 7, 1959
Road Safety Queen Carol Renshaw (13), of 1, Church View, Darfield, and her retinue at the Road Safety Quiz...
Road Safety Quiz at Foulstone
South Yorkshire Times March 7, 1959
Young spectators at the Road Safety Quiz between Darfield and Sheffield in Foulstone School, Darfield, on Thursday.
Recovered the body of a Wombwell boy.
South Yorkshire Times April 25, 1959
Mr A Hopkinson, of Darfield, who as reported on page 1, Gallantly dived into the freezing, fast flowing waters...
Wedding – White & Peirson
South Yorkshire Times April 4, 1959.
Miss Eunice White, of Darfield
and Mr William P Peirson, of 38, Derry Grove, Thurnscoe
at Darfield Parish Church
Wedding – Walton & Simms
South Yorkshire Times April 11, 1959
married recently at Darfield Wesley Church
Miss faith Walton, of Barnsley Road, Darfield
and Mr J Simms of "Hebron," Bolton Road,...