Home World War Two Stories from the War Airman & Sailors – Randersons – Three Darfield Brothers

Airman & Sailors – Randersons – Three Darfield Brothers

January 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 24 January 1942

Three Darfield Brothers

Three sons of Mr. and Mrs. R. Randerson, of Nanny Harr Road, Darfield, are in H.M Forces. Two are in the Navy and one in the R.A.F.

The eldest is Chief Petty Officer William Arthur Randerson, who has been in the Navy for nearly five years. It is nearly two years since he was home on leave. Since then he has been to America. William loves the life.

Frank Randerson, joined the Navy eighteen months ago, and was previously an insurance agent. He has unfortunately been confined to hospital for six months, having undergone one or two minor operations. He is, however, recovering, and is now awaiting convalescent leave.

Fred, who is 21, and is In the R.A F., was engaged as a boot repairer before the war. He was home on leave last month and celebrated his “coming of age.”