Sheffield Independent – Thursday 28 October 1897
Cruelty at Darfield.
At the West Riding Police Court, yesterday, Charles Drabble, a labourer, Darfield was brought up charged with cruelty to a filly belonging to Mr. Hammerton, builder, Darfield.
lt was stated that the animal was left grazing in a field with several others, and was subsequently found by a witness named Neville on August 28th in a shocking slate. There were three cuts across its tongue, and there was also a piece of band partly buried in its flank.
The defendant had no right to take the animal out the field and ride it, as it was unbroken.
Mr. Robinson, local inspector, spoke to seeing the animal at Darfield. There were three incisions in the lower jaw. One eye was only partly open, and one of its ears was hanging down.
Defendant absconded, and had only been recently apprehended warrant
Evidence was given as to the defendant riding the filly. Defendant said he had nothing in answer to the charge.
The Chairman said he ought to have been proceeded against for stealing the animal.
He was sent to gaol for two months.