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Darfield Church 

February 1934

South Yorkshire Times, February 16th, 1934 

Darfield Church 

“I have been in many churches and heard various preachers, but I have still to visit a church to compare with Darfield, and have almost lost hope of ever hearing a sermon to come up to the standard set by that grand old gentleman Canon A. E. Sorby.”

This remarkable tribute is contained in a letter received by Mr. and Mrs. D. Baxter, of Barnsley Road, Darfield from their young son, Jack, who is a soldier in India.  Jack Baxter is 22 yeas of age and before joining the Dragoon Guards two years ago, worked at Houghton Main Colliery and was a member of Darfield Church Bible Class. 

He writes from Kasuila, Simla Hill, India, where he is convalescent after *enteric, and hopes to rejoin his regiment at Meerut next month.  He hopes to have his first leave in October, when he will be able to look up his old pals. News of them reaches him from time to time in the “South Yorkshire Times,” sent every week by his parents, of which paper he is an enthusiastic reader.  

*NB: relating to the intestines.