Home Sports Football Darfield F.C. – Charlie Allen

Darfield F.C. – Charlie Allen

April 1927

Darfield 1927 April

Mexborough and Swinton Times April 8, 1927

Few players in this district has shown more promising form during the past few weeks than Charlie Allen, Darfield’s outside left, and I am therefore not surprised to hear rumours of his promotion to League football.

Darfield have brought out some smart lads this season. He may be regarded as one of the best – if not the very best – of their products.

He is young, speedy and has powers of ball control possessed by few wingers. Moreover he is a very formidable shot and can take a ball on the run as nicely as one could wish to see.

Alan was introduced to football in rather unorthodox fashion, and the circumstances, I think, are worth recording. He had nearly reached manhood before he kicked a ball at all and then somebody discovered that he could play football. Darfield Bridge signed him on and he had not been with them many weeks before it became apparent that he had skill above the junior standard.

He improved beyond all recognition and was sent to Preston for a trial, but happened to strike a bad day.

This season he has shown better form than ever, and as a player whose game never varies, he rendered Darfield yeoman service in the struggle that culminated in their winning the Sheffield Challenge Cup.