South Yorkshire Times, February 26, 1949
Darfield Producer
Mrs. Mary Beswick, Holly House, Darfield, has taken an active interest in the amateur theatre for nearly 40 years.
For the past 12 years she has been associated with Darfield Dramatic Club as producer and as a very able Player of character parts. As a player at Darfield she has scored hits in “Silver Chord” and “The Cure for Love,” and is now producing Darfield’s next production, “Duet for Two Hands”.
She is perfectly at home in the theatre and confesses to “enjoying every minute she is on the stage.” She produced one-act plays in the war for the G.H.S.S., and has been connected with the Friends of the Diocese movement and produced plays for LittleĀ Houghton Women’s Institute.
At 18 she was a member of Dukinfield Dramatic Society; later she was with the Ashton Players., and had operatic arts with Dukinfield and District Operatic Society