Home Places Theatres Darfield “Star”

Darfield “Star”

January 1951

South Yorkshire Times, January 13, 1951

Darfield “Star”

When Darfield Dramatic Club present their British Drama League competition entry, “The Gioconda Smile,” by Aldous Huxley on January 27th, 29th and 30th in Foulstone Modern         School,’ Darfield, patrons will be pleased to see George Falkous once more in a principal part.

This accomplished player was last seen in the district as John Worthing in Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Importance of being Earnest’

Previously, he had scored in “The Silver Cord,’ “The Last of Mrs. Cheyney” and “Dangerous Corner.”

He has informed a colleague that he is looking forward keenly to playing Henry Hutton in “The Gioconda Smile” and hopes to make it his outstanding dramatic performance.


The Darfield Society have recently enrolled many new members, and the club now has a more flourishing membership than ever before in their 14 years’ history. The number of talented performers is increasing and now the producer, I hear, has to consider who he must leave out rather than in the past when often he had casting difficulties for his principal parts.