Home Sports Football Hoyland Silkstone  3  Darfield  4

Hoyland Silkstone  3  Darfield  4

29 November 1919

Barnsley Independent – Saturday 29 November 1919

Darfield Ready For Semi-Final

Hoyland Silkstone  3  Darfield  4

The visit of Darfield St. George’s to Platts Common proved a great attraction.

Playing with the wind in the first half Darted made good use of their advantage, so much so that when half-time arrived they were leading by four goals to nil.

When time came for Hoyland Slikstone to have the wind in their favour the home forwards proved very aggressive, and constantly In Darfield’s quarters. They played a wonderful uphill battle, and as they gradually reduced Darfield’s big lead the home supporters were in high glee. The home team’s third, and last goal was the outcome of a penalty.

The closing stages were keenly contested and Darfield had their work cut out to keep the home forwards from equalising, if not winning outright.

Eventually time came with Darfield victors as stated.