Home Industry and Commerce Town Council & Government Measles Epidemic – Darfield Council Reply to Rumours

Measles Epidemic – Darfield Council Reply to Rumours

December 1937

Sheffield Independent – Saturday 04 December 1937

Measles Epidemic

Darfield Council Reply to Rumours

An assurance that the measles epidemic in the district was the wane was given to Darfield District Council last night, by the Medical Officer (Dr. J. Whitworth ).

There had been one death from the disease.

On Mr. T. W. Illsley referring to ‘rumours. ’ Dr. Whitworth said that there had been no case of typhoid in the district.

The Medical Officer reported that whereas the death in 1936 numbered 58, there had been only 39 in 1937 so far. The chairman (Mr T. H.Foulstone), said generally speaking, the death rate at Darfield had been going down for many years and the figures bore out the fact that the health of Darfield was much better than it used to be.