Home Places Churches and Chapels Memorial To Canon Sorby – Bishop’s Appreciation at a Darfield Ceremony

Memorial To Canon Sorby – Bishop’s Appreciation at a Darfield Ceremony

December 1938

Leeds Mercury – Wednesday 21 December 1938

Memorial To Canon Sorby

Bishop’s Appreciation at a Darfield Ceremony

Tribute to 42 years’ faithful ministration as a parish priest was paid to-day at the unveiling and dedication at Darfield Parish Church of a stained window in memory of Canon A. E. Sorby.

Canon Sorby, as Rector of Darfield from 1892 to his death in 1934, did much to beautify the ancient parish church, for which he had an intense love.

Under his direction, miners of the district carved a magnificent oak chancel screen during the long pit stoppage.

The Bishop of Sheffield, who unveiled and dedicated the window, referred in particular to Canon Sorby’s work in the educational sphere, and his great triumph in having established through the High Courts the right to withdraw children from school for religious instruction on Ascension Day.