Home Industry and Commerce Town Council & Government New Council Chairman – T H Foulstone

New Council Chairman – T H Foulstone

April 1937

Mexborough and Swinton Times April 30, 1937

New Council Chairman

Ald TH Foulstone, J.P., the new chairman of the Urban Council, is one of the older members of that body, having sat continuously for 17 years. During that period he has served in practically every committee.

Specialising to a great extent on housing, which committee he has been chairman for over 12 years, he has done notable work, for Darfield has reason to be proud of their activities in that direction.

A county Alderman for 12 years, member of the County Council for 18 years, in addition to being a member of the West Riding education committee and chairman of the West Riding Finance committee, Alderman Foulstone is a champion of education for workers.

One of his dreams was realised when the new Middle School was opened at Wombwell in 1928. During recent years he has been striving to obtain a similar school for Darfield. He is also closely identified with trade union work.