Home World War Two Stories from the War Soldier – Goodwin, Charles – “Times” Beings the News

Soldier – Goodwin, Charles – “Times” Beings the News

June 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 06 June 1942

“Times” Beings the News

Charles Goodwin, son of Mr. and Gerge William Goodwin, of West Street. Darfield has now been out in the Middle East for nearly a ye4r.

It is two years since he Joined the Forces. He is a clerk at general headquarters out there, and, from his letters appears to be contented. Recently he attended a banquet at which the King of Egypt and his Queen were present.

All he wishes for is a steady flow of letters, and regular copies the “South Yorkshire Times.”

He says “Any news you miss, I get it in the “Times”,’ which I look forward to with great pleasure.”

He has met another Darfteld youth, George Cartledge, out there.