Home Events Soldier – Stables, James – Wounded in Action

Soldier – Stables, James – Wounded in Action

June 1917

Mexborough and Swinton Times June 30, 1917

Lance Corporal James Stables
(York and Lancaster)

fourth son of Mr and Mrs Oswald Stables of the Rising Sun Inn, Snape Hill, was wounded in action on June 7 by the bursting of a shell, causing injuries to his arms and face, and he is at present in hospital in Dundee.

Lance Corporal Stables has been at the front about 10 months, and this is the second occasion upon which he has been wounded.

Previous to enlistment he was in business in Sheffield.

His brother, Lance Corporal Oswald Stables, has received his discharge owing to wounds received in action on September 3.

Lance Corporal Oswald Stables was attached to the West Yorkshires and was wounded by shrapnel in both legs and the right arm.