Home Events Soldier – Watkin W. C. – Well Respected Officer

Soldier – Watkin W. C. – Well Respected Officer

May 1916

Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 1916


Second Lt WC Watkin
(Royal Engineers)

We reproduce a photograph of second Lt WC Watkin, of the Royal Engineers (Tunnelling Company), certain Mr Robert Watkin, general manager of the Dearne Valley colliery, and Mrs Watkin, of Holly House Darfield, who enlisted as a private in the R.A.M.C., soon after the commencement of hostilities.

It is interesting to note that this well-respected officer began his mining career, after receiving a preliminary education at the Barnsley Grammar School, at the Dearne Valley Colliery, where his marked abilities eminently distinguished him for a high place in this branch of industry. Meanwhile, he was most diligent in the theoretical study of his work, which was always a pleasure to him, and this he continued at the Leeds University.

He was then appointed assistant to Mr S Mellor, manager of the Houghton Main Colliery, and in this capacity he rapidly gained the highest esteem of all who came in touch with him.
The splendid experience he had thus gained well fitting for corps in which he has now been granted a commission, and although at the outset he joined the R.A.M.C., immediately the need for trained engineers was made known he transferred to the Royal Engineers, and has now been serving in a hot part of the British front in France for nearly a year.
We heartily congratulate second Lt Watkin and his achievements thus far, and trust nothing will mar his further advancement.