Home Industry and Commerce Mining South Yorkshire Collieries and the Hull Coal Trade

South Yorkshire Collieries and the Hull Coal Trade

July 1888

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Wednesday 11 July 1888

South Yorkshire Collieries and the Hull Coal Trade.

The official return of coals taken to Hull from each colliery in South and West Yorkshire last month has just been issued.

A tonnage 163,232, compared with 156,840 for June, 1887, has been forwarded, the total tonnage from January to June of this year being 819,176, as against 864,312 tons from January to June of 1887.

Denaby Main again heads the list with 17,896 tons, Allerton Main being next with 10,320 tons. From January to the end of last month Denaby bad sent 67,200 tons and Allerton Main 46,232 tons as against 92,944 tons and 60,736 tons respectively sent the first six months of last year.

The quantity exported has been considerably larger during the past month than the corresponding month of last year, the figures for the present year being 103,027, as against 87,232 in June, 1887, showing an increase 14,795 tons for the month. Sweden and Norway have been the principal consumers, having taken 31,825 tons. Next comes North Russia with 29,679 tons, and the third place is occupied by Germany with 13,992.

The exports for the whole of the half year are not so satisfactory. From January to  June of the present year there have been exported 334.865 tons, as against 403,758 tons in the first half of that year, being a decrease of CS.S93 tons.

The following are the details:—