Home People Residents Young Aircraftsmen – Peep Into Darfield “Shadow Factory”

Young Aircraftsmen – Peep Into Darfield “Shadow Factory”

October 1939

Mexborough & Swinton Times, October 28, 1939

Young Aircraftsmen

Peep Into Darfield “Shadow Factory”

Risking a breach of the Official Secrets Act we announce that a “shadow factory” has come into being at Darfield. The plant is situated at a discreet distance from the main road and the work is being carried on under a veil of privacy.

The factory is engaged on the production of aircraft, numerous models of which have already been turned out, tested in all weather conditions, and found to be thoroughly airworthy. At is an all-Darfield enterprise and has the influential backing of the Medical Officer of Health (Dr. J. W. Whitworth), who is not only a working partner but has generously provided the premises, a cottage which happened to be vacant.

The “shadow factory” is that of the Darfield Model Aeroplane Club, in which there are some fifteen members—boys and youths aged from ten to twenty. Mr. Arthur Martin, of Coronation Street, Darfield, a bricklayer by trade, is the “managing director.”

Members of the Darfield Model Aeroplane Club displaying a few of their machines. In the group are (left to right): Back: Mr. Arthur Martin, Maurice Bardsley, and Eric Taylor; Front: Donald Bush and Gordon Camplejohn. Mr. Martin is the instructor. Note the camouflaged ‘plane second from left.