Leeds Intelligencer April 1, 1793
Notice is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the next session, for an act making one or more Cut or cuts, canal our canals, for the purpose of navigation, with proper towing paths, from the river Dun Navigational Cut, in the township of parishes of Conisbrough and Mexborough, or the one of them, in the West Riding of the County of York, to the rivers Caldera and Hebble navigation, the several townships of parishes of Horbury, Netherton otherwise Nether Shitlington, and Thornhill in the Ridings aforesaid, or some of them; and two, in or near the townships of parishes of Cawthorne and Simpson, in the Ridings aforesaid or the one of them;
and that such Cut or canal, cuts or canal, is or areĀ intended to be carried on going, to or through the several parishes, townships or places hereinafter mentioned, that is to say
Conisbrough, Mexborough, Sprotborough, Barnborough, Adwick, Bolton, Wath, Darfield, Wombwell, Worsbrough, Dodworth, Ardsley, Burton, Barnsley, Bargh otherwise Barugh, Darton, Higham, Silkstone, Cudworth, Woolley, Bretton, Crigglestone, Nether Shitlington, Thornhill and Horbury in the said West Riding of the County of York or some of them.
Dated this 14th day of February 1793
by order
Skelton, Clark and Carr